Areas of Expertise
Neil Kendall’s knowledge of the financial planning and services industry is available to as an Independent Expert Witness. If a legal case requires the expert opinion of a financial planner, Neil is able to provide his knowledge and provide expert testimony and reports on various areas of the financial planning profession.
Neil has a very wide range of knowledge relating to financial planning and financial services.
He is available to provide his expertise, expert reports, and expert witness testimony on any related topics.
He is however, particularly knowledgable about the following topics.
Conflicts of Interest
Neil is committed to independence in his own planning, making him uniquely qualified to complete an impartial assessment of potential conflicts of interest.
Investment Advice and Implementation
Neil is able to offer expert analysis on investment selection and expert advice regarding the investment market.
Insurance Advice and Implementation
Neil has extensive knowledge surrounding insurance advice and claims. He knows the available products and how select appropriate insurance.
Commission Disclosure and Fee Arrangements
Neil is familiar with disclosure requirements and is able to provide an analysis of adviser commission and fee arrangements.
Gearing Advice and Implementation
Neil is knowledgable and experienced in the field of gearing advice and how such advice should be implemented.
SMSF Advice and Implementation
Neil is well versed in the setup and management of SMSF’s and can provide unbiased analysis on SMSF advice and services.